Procedures for hospitalization and discharge

Procedures for hospitalization and discharge

Hospitalization procedure

  1. After outpatient medical consultation, Inform to the hospitalization counter
  2. Hospital room assignment, Fill out various forms of consent, and information on hospitalization life
  3. Inform to the nurse's office in the ward

In the case of patients with appointments for hospitalization, not for same-day hospitalization

After outpatient medical consultation, you can return home after receiving the hospitalization appointment date and hospitalization appointment notice at the hospitalization counter.
Please visit the hospital on the day of your hospitalization appointment and follow the hospitalization procedures.

Phone Inquiry

+82-51-933-7079, 7081

Hospital room assignment

Hospital rooms are operated as special rooms, single rooms, triple rooms, and quadruple rooms. As the hospital room is determined by the situation of the discharged patients, it may be different from the room desired by the patient.

Discharge procedure

  1. The doctor in charge will decide to discharge of patient.
  2. After receiving information regarding payment of medical expenses from our staff, pay the medical expenses at the discharge procedure counter.
  3. Return home after receiving discharge medicine (from the ward nurse's office).

Payment for the intermediate medical bill

Intermediate medical bills are issued every Tuesday during the hospitalization period (Holidays are the next day). Patients can pay the intermediate medical expenses to the discharge staff within 2-3 days.
For any Inquiries about medical bills, please contact the dischare staff (+82-51-933-7079, +82-51-933-7081).

Provisional discharge payment system

The provisional discharge payment system is a system in which a discharge deposit is deposited in the hospitalization and discharge register for the convenience of patients when discharged on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, and is then settled 3 days after discharge. In our hospital, provisional discharge is conducted on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays.

Issuance of hospitalization confirmation, medical certificate, and copies of medical records

Hospitalization confirmation, medical certificate, and copies of medical records are issued at the time of discharge if requested to the nurse in charge the day before discharge (refer to required documents).